Tag Archives: catchy marketing words

The Blood-Brain Barrier Myth

The Blood-Brain Barrier Myth

“Crossing the blood-brain barrier” is a phrase that haunts the world of zeolite supplement makers and has created a great deal of misinformation. In general, the blood-brain barrier is physical mechanism that protects brain tissue by controlling which substances get in and out of the brain. Concerning zeolite supplements, this phrase, has been used mainly as a marketing device for shady zeolite companies to prove that their zeolite health supplement is more effective than their competitor’s product.


“Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier”

This lame marketing scheme was originally developed by MLM marketers trying to pawn their product off onto naïve affiliates and customers. It was claimed by a certain multi-level marketing company (which is actually now being sued by its affiliates and customers) that its “liquid zeolite” was much more effective than powdered forms of zeolite because it circulated throughout the entire body, including crossing the blood-brain barrier, while powdered forms of zeolite stayed only within the digestive track. They stated that their zeolite product was able to do this because it was in liquid form and was small enough to pass through this barrier. They went on to attack powdered zeolite, saying that it was not as effective in the detoxification process because it was too big to cross the blood-brain barrier, and thus was not capable of a full body detox.


The “Blood-Brain Barrier” Proves to be a FRAUD!

So this is the funny part. For years, brainwashed MLM affiliates and customers who paid about $60 a bottle for this magical zeolite supplement didn’t know that “liquid zeolite” is really nothing more than WATER and a couple grams of ZEOLITE POWDER suspended in it! Looks like the joke was on them and their bank accounts! So if the MLM’s medical marvel of a potion was able to cross the blood-brain barrier and it was nothing more than powdered zeolite in water (NOT liquefied zeolite), then powdered zeolite health supplements had the power to cross the blood-brain barrier all along!


Proof of the Detoxifying Power of Powdered Zeolite

In 2001, a study was conducted on dogs to see the effect that zeolite had on cancer. There were 22 dogs used in the study, and they all had numerous types of cancer, in various areas of the body—including the brain! Micronized powdered zeolite was administrated to these animals, not “liquid” zeolite. The results revealed that the micronized zeolite was effective in shrinking tumors, stifling and slowing the formation of cancer, and increasing the life span of the dogs. If only liquid zeolite formulas could “cross the blood-brain barrier” and circulate beyond the digestive track, then there would have been no improvement in any of the dogs’ conditions. The same micronized zeolite that was used in this dog cancer study is found in the health supplements manufactured by Zeo Health, which only makes powdered based zeolite health supplements.